Driving home from the Farmer's Market in Lunenburg,
through the melting snow of yesterday's fall
I was listening to CBC and
learned about the Danish social entrepreneur,
Thorkil Sonne's, Dandelion Model.
My ears perked up. Let's just
say that my lawn in Virginia,
which grows incrementally
smaller each year as edibles
replace the grass, is home
to dandelions. Unfortunately for my neighbours,
I do not herbicide or even weed
nature's gift of this healing plant.
Dent-de-lion, Lions Tooth
as the French called it;
I guess it is all a matter of perspective
could not just hold down a job but also be the best person for it.
Sonne took a tragedy, the diagnos of his three year old
son with Infantile Autism and turned it into
a foundation that is employing the previously
thought of as unemployable.
With the Dandelion Model,
he invites us to decide,
in numerous areas of our lives,
weed or seed?
through the melting snow of yesterday's fall
I was listening to CBC and
learned about the Danish social entrepreneur,
Thorkil Sonne's, Dandelion Model.
My ears perked up. Let's just
say that my lawn in Virginia,
which grows incrementally
smaller each year as edibles
replace the grass, is home
to dandelions. Unfortunately for my neighbours,
I do not herbicide or even weed
nature's gift of this healing plant.
Dent-de-lion, Lions Tooth
as the French called it;
weed or natures' pharmaceutical giant?
While some in the New World
wage war on the dandelion
wage war on the dandelion
France, Germany and China
cultivate the herb.
It is considered by many to be nature's champion tonic
It is considered by many to be nature's champion tonic
to stimulate the immune system,
cleanse the blood of toxins
and rejuvenate the whole body.
I guess it is all a matter of perspective
or which side of the fence you're sitting on.
For Thorkil Sonne, he's on the side of
the dandelion people, those who suffer
from Autism Spectrum Disorder.
He chooses the dandelion as a metaphor;
"Most of us don’t want it in our gardens – it doesn't fit in."
Or does it? Sonne founded Specialisterne or The Specialists,
a foundation that connects autistic adult consultants with
business enterprises. With their incredible attention to detail
and their phenomenal memory and their ability to follow
routine day after day, Sonne believes that
given the right environment, an autistic adult could not just hold down a job but also be the best person for it.
Sonne took a tragedy, the diagnos of his three year old
son with Infantile Autism and turned it into
a foundation that is employing the previously
thought of as unemployable.
With the Dandelion Model,
he invites us to decide,
in numerous areas of our lives,
weed or seed?
I love to eat dandelions. In France we say "pissenlit" (bedwetting) because this salad is very diuretic. In this salad we can put :grilled bacon, boiled eggs, croutons of fried bread and flowers buds of "pissenlit". Quickly spring !