Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all!
We finally returned to blistery Blue Rocks, NS
after a wonderful visit in Ottawa with
my brother Rick.  We had to pry Alec 
of Rick's couch, fearful that the remote 
was permanently glued to his hand.
"What's not to like about being at Uncle Rick's?  
Tim Bits and Twinkies, it doesn't get much better!"

Google maps tell us that the drive is 14 hours
and 45 minutes.  This must be in the summer
with sunshine and bare roads.
From: Blue Rocks, NS To: Ottawa, ON

17 hours later, trying to beat 
one of many winter storms hitting
New Brunswick-Montreal-Ottawa,
we arrived in Ottawa just in time
to welcome  our Christmas gift....snow.
Jude with Piper and Murphy in Ottawa
Heaven is the woods, snow and no leash,
oh and especially a friend.

Rick's only concern was not,
 how was the drive or
you must be exhausted
or were the roads dangerous
or wow you drove all this way
just to see me.  No, his anguish

No Rick, Alec was already whining about
sharing the back seat with "Piper You Stink."
He did not want to share his limited
space with live lobsters.

Alas, instead of walking down to the wharf
here in Blue Rocks to pick up our $5 a lb bsters, 
we splurged and bought Rick
his live Christmas gift in Ottawa.  
They probably came from Nova Scotia!   

Jeff, Rick and The Lobsters
Rick took us on our tour of his office
and showed us where he usually
eats his lunch.  Nice view of parliament.

Christmas was snow,  and The Hobbit,
and making a fort and playing Crokinole 
and cousin Bekkah and Murphy and
a wonderful brother.

Christmas morning cinnamon buns.
"Can we have a reading breakfast?" asks Alec.
Murphy helping Bekkah open presents.

Crokinole, the new game for 2013

How long can tea and scones take?

Contraband Twinkies
(Alec says you can't buy these in the States)
Our neighbour here emailed  a welcome home
with this photo of our house saying, 
"We got snow!"  The dusting of snow was
gone by the next day.

Thank you Rick for a great visit.
We and the lobsters await
 you in Blue Rocks in April.  


  1. Hi Jude! It is so great to hear how u are doing and what u are up to! We had a great Christmas and new year eve until I got food poisoning from seafood buffet! Awful! But maybe that means the rest of 2013 will be great! Miss u and think of u often. Take care Sarah bravo

    1. Hi Sarah, So good to hear from you. Come here for seafood, fresh off the boat! Wishing you the best year yet. I think of you too. We will definitely have to get together when I return next summer. Take care.

  2. I'm so happy to speak with you that jostle in my head and I do not know anything in English ...

    1. Next time we need to speak in English!
      Your knitting is fabulous.
