Friday, April 12, 2013

Beyond Bullying

Rehtaeh Parsons is shown in a handout photo from the Facebook tribute page
Rehtaeh Parsons
Seventeen-year-old, Rehtaeh Parsons,
 was removed from life support this past Sunday.
Last week, this Nova Scotia teenager, hung herself.

Why would a lovely, seventeen-year-old young woman,
 end her life?

According to her mother, Leah Parsons,
when Rehtaeh was fifteen,
she was sexually assaulted by four boys,
at a home. Apparently, one of the boys
took a photo during the assault and posted
it on the internet. After the posting,
Rehtaeh was the target of online assault:
these actions go beyond bullying.

Why were the four, teenage boys not persecuted?
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police pursued
an investigation, but due to insufficient evidence,
no charges were laid.

"The justice system failed my daughter,"
Leah Parsons said in an interview.

People across Nova Scotia, 
and throughout Canada,
are asking, "Why?" 
 Why is it, that a young woman,
a victim of a sexual assault,
 becomes a victim of cyber assault?

Justice minister, Ross Landry,
 refused to review the initial investigation.
 Due to an outcry from people across the province,
he has reconsidered.

Nova Scotia, this lovely, Maritime province,
surrounded by the Atlantic, has the highest rate
of sexual assault per capita in Canada (Avalon, 2009).
Halifax, its capital, has the third highest rate
of sexual assault in Canada (Avalon, 2009).

How are we, the parents, teachers, politicians,
counselors, school administrators, 
 friends and citizens, 
failing our children?
Why is silence still the norm,
shame the secrecy?

How young is too young, 
to teach our children,
"No," means no?

What is consent? 

While many internet posts are crying out for revenge,
Rehtaeh's mother says she wants justice,
not retaliation.The cyber-activist group,
Anonymous, apparently was threatening to release
the names of the four boys.
At the request of Leah Parsons,
they backed away.
"I think they, (the boys), need to be accountable
for what that they did,"
Parsons said. "I don't want them
to be physically harmed."
I hope Rehtaeh, you rest in peace.
I hope your story
 brings lasting change.
As a society,
 I hope we learn to say
"No:"  we will no longer
slip into silence;
we will no longer
allow shame to become
the new secrecy;
we will no longer
accept cyber assault, 
or violence against our children.

How young is too young,
to teach our children, 
"No," means no?

Teach your children now,
teach them well.

1 comment:

  1. Quand les hommes vivront d'amour
    By Félix Leclerc poète Québécois

    Quand les hommes vivront d´amour
    Il n´y aura plus de misère
    Et commenceront les beaux jours
    Mais nous, nous serons morts mon frère

    Quand les hommes vivront d´amour
    Ce sera la paix sur la Terre
    Les soldats seront troubadours
    Mais nous, nous serons morts mon frère

    Dans la grande chaîne de la vie
    Où il fallait que nous passions
    Où il fallait que nous soyons
    Nous aurons eu la mauvaise partie

    Quand les hommes vivront d´amour
    Il n´y aura plus de misère
    Peut-être songeront-ils un jour
    A nous qui serons morts mon frère

    Nous qui aurons aux mauvais jours
    Dans la haine et puis dans la guerre
    Cherché la paix, cherché l´amour
    Qu´ils connaîtront alors mon frère

    Dans la grande chaîne de la vie
    Pour qu´il y ait un meilleur temps
    Il faut toujours quelques perdants
    De la sagesse ici-bas c´est le prix

    Quand les hommes vivront d´amour
    Il n´y aura plus de misère
    Et commenceront les beaux jours
    Mais nous, nous serons morts mon frère

    Quand les hommes vivront d´amour
    Ce sera la paix sur la terre
    Les soldats seront troubadours
    Mais nous, nous serons morts mon frère
